Category: AI and Data

Why you must consider the ROI of AI before adoption
Reading Time: 4 minutes
Adopting AI is not like pressing a button; it requires a commitment of resources. Gartner has predicted that by
How data governance for AI supports a data-driven culture
Reading Time: 4 minutes
Does your organisation have a data-driven culture? A data-driven culture encourages team members to make decisions based on data
From theory to practice: The challenges of AI implementation
Reading Time: 4 minutes
Many discussions around AI have focused on technological advancements and benefits, such as improved customer service, fewer manual tasks,
5 ways generative AI and data analytics changes CX
Reading Time: 4 minutes
KPMG’s Australian Retail Outlook 2024 found that 51% of Australian retailers are interested in using data analytics and big
Reading Time: 4 minutes
Businesses globally continue adopting AI for a growing set of use cases. The IBM Global AI Adoption Index 2022
Why should COOs care about AI for business?
Reading Time: 4 minutes
Chief Operating Officers (COOs) are well-placed to lead AI adoption within the organisation. Aside from driving the required technological
5 questions to consider when planning AI adoption
Reading Time: 4 minutes
Many of us have become caught up in AI this past year. Reports have highlighted the expectations that AI
A new era of intelligence: Harnessing AI for data analytics
Reading Time: 4 minutes
Part of remaining competitive and relevant as an organisation today is adopting a forward-looking approach that combines your data

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