Salesforce Data Cloud

Maximise Customer Insights with Data that Delivers

Unlock the full potential of your customer data, making every interaction smarter and more personalised.

Discover the power of Salesforce Data Cloud, a cutting-edge hyperscale data platform integrated within Salesforce. Transform how your team engages with customers by leveraging relevant insights and contextual data across every touchpoint. 

Get a free consultation from MakeSense today and enable the remarkable potential of Salesforce Data Cloud. 

Why Data Cloud is Essential for Your Business

Data Cloud stands at the forefront of data-driven customer relationship management. It offers:

Comprehensive Customer Insights

Data Cloud provides a unified view of your customers by integrating data across various Salesforce applications. This complete perspective enables more informed decision-making and personalises customer interactions, enhancing the overall customer experience.

Enhanced Decision-Making with AI

Leverage the power of AI to analyse customer data, offering actionable insights that drive smarter business decisions. Data Cloud's AI integration helps predict customer needs and trends, ensuring your strategies are always one step ahead.

Real-Time Data Processing

Data Cloud processes information in real-time, allowing your team to respond swiftly to customer needs and market changes. This immediate data processing ensures that your business remains agile and responsive.

Scalable Data Management

As your business grows, so does your data. Data Cloud offers scalable solutions that grow with your business, ensuring that large volumes of data are managed efficiently without compromising on performance.

Secure Data

Data Cloud ensures the highest levels of data security, enabling safe integration with various systems and platforms. This security feature is crucial for maintaining the integrity and confidentiality of sensitive customer information.

Automated Data Workflows

Automate key data processes with Data Cloud, reducing manual efforts and increasing operational efficiency. This automation extends from data entry to complex data analytics, freeing your team to focus on more strategic tasks.

Customised Data Solutions

Tailor Data Cloud to meet your specific business needs. Whether it's segmenting customer data, integrating with third-party apps, or customising data dashboards, Data Cloud's flexible architecture allows for personalised solutions.

Accessible & User-Friendly Interface

Data Cloud's intuitive interface makes it easy for your team to access and interpret data. Its user-friendly design ensures that even non-technical team members can leverage the platform's powerful capabilities, democratising data across your organisation.

Our Salesforce Data Cloud Services

Our advisory phase focuses on creating a strategic approach tailored to address specific business challenges. This involves defining solutions that are specific to your business problems and developing a strategic road map. This roadmap guides the implementation process while predicting and mitigating potential risks. Our objective is to ensure that the strategy developed is effective in the short term and sustainable in the long run, adapting to future changes and challenges in your business landscape.

The implementation phase establishes a robust data infrastructure, including ingesting, connecting,  preparing and modelling data from various sources for analysis and unifying source profiles. We leverage AI models to analyse and visualise data, providing actionable insights. A core goal of this phase is the establishment of source data connections and developing or managing a Datalake in a hybrid platform. Our approach ensures efficient data management and the management of CI/CD pipelines, laying a strong foundation for data-driven decision-making.

Our managed services are designed to support and manage your data and analytics platforms. We focus on ensuring that your data infrastructure is not only operational but optimised for efficiency and effectiveness. This involves managing data integration, analysis, and supporting reporting platforms. We aim to help your organisation build a competent team that maintains and enhances these systems, ensuring continuous improvement and adaptation to evolving business needs.

Training is an integral part of our services, aimed at ensuring the effectiveness and longevity of the systems implemented. We provide comprehensive training to your team, including ‘train the trainer’ programs, to foster in-house expertise. Our training is designed to equip your team with the necessary skills and knowledge to effectively manage and utilise the tools and strategies we implement, ensuring that the value we add continues to grow within your organisation.

Data Cloud Offerings

MakeSense offers three bundles to enable you to unlock valuable insights and make data-driven decisions that drive growth and success for your business.

Our dedicated COE practice is the backbone for our teams and our customers. Our COE practice develops custom connectors and accelerators to speed up engagement in alignment with best practices.

Quick Start

For those needing to make a change quickly. We provide a minimal implementation time offering that involves basic configurations and the most useful out-of-box features and reports to enable organisations to Go Live in as early as 6 weeks.

Adoption & Data Kits

Our pre-developed connectors will quickly connect to your data, providing valuable insights to drive effective decision-making and management to improve your business operations and customer experience.


Hassle-free support and continuous improvements. Helping businesses to focus more on business rather than IT challenges. Our fully flexible and scalable services are designed to optimise technological innovations to maximise your investment.

Are you ready to transform how you utilise your business data to maximise your technology, delight customers, and deliver your organisation a cutting-edge advantage over your competitors?

Our team of expert SenseMakers is ready to meet with you to discuss your goals and outline how Salesforce Data Cloud can assist you with a complimentary consultation.

We encourage you to register for a free consultation, and we will be in touch to schedule a time.
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